Monday, September 24, 2007

As if Friday's weren't kooky enough...

I thought suggesting Bowl-aoke (my favorite hybrid of bowling and karaoke) was weird enough to seem novel and intriguing to my jaded jaded friends. But I was trumped. True, the person who did the trumping works at Dark Horse Comics and is therefore infinitely cooler than I am, but still.

Because how could we not abandon the bowl-aoke plans to go check out underground glow-in-the-dark pirate themed mini-golf. I had to bow to the wisdom of such a plan. And so would you.

My only complaint was the lack of a bar in the facility. I mean,
trying to accommodate
might make this seem wise, but my argument is actually that most parents would be MORE likely to take their kids down to the subterranean free for all if they had access to a beer or two. I know I would.

Saturday was slightly less luminous. In fact I drove up to Larch Mountain right about the time the equinox was occurring and climbed up to the viewpoint pretty much in the pitch dark. Once I got up there, the entire valley below was obscured by a thick blanket of fog. Nothing like climbing a mountain to get a clearer view and only having a grey bank of clouds to look at instead. To be fair it was good in the sense of being a little spooky. Peeking over the side and seeing nothing but fog does give one the sense of being perched on the edge of an infinite abyss. Which is always a good thing.

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