it's better than bad, it's good!
this has been a weird month. on the whole, i'd have to call it for the team of good rather than the team of evil, seeing that a few SUPERAMAZING things have happened, but since there are like 3 days of it left i am withholding judgment. the balance could tilt. you never know.
i'm quivering in anticipation i tell ya.
and i'm sick. which sucks ass. and i would be happy to be finished with aaaaaaanytime now. it's going to be pretty fucking anticlimactic if i work myself up into this frenzy over my very first show (fuckall, i'm getting a TATTOO to commemorate the experience) only to have it suck various kinds of ass because this cold has turned my voice into a frog's wet dream.
but apparently i still sound good on the internets! one of the superamazing things that happened was that one of my very favorite musical-hero-local-diva-glorious-songstress types responded to my friend request by complimenting my voice. this, equals happiness.
other things have equaled happiness too, but i am far too discreet to talk about them here to you people.
except for the ongoing progress i've made cleaning my house. its so cool to be able to see the floor. and not come close to breaking my ankle every time i take a trip into the kitchen. sometimes it is those simple pleasures...
GR Corolla: Toyota Dispatches a Fixer
11 months ago
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