this wasn’t so much a restful week pour moi. i had some emotional confusion going on in the early portion which caused me to flee from my cozy and wonderful bed with its sheets of 300 counted threads and hunker down instead on the couch with OPB til Mr Rogers began to chirp his merry tune in the wee hours of the morning. when the emotional confusion relented enough to let me crawl back into my own bed, the child woke up in the night with horrible mysterious abdominal pains we thought we’d rid ourselves of. apparently not.
so, it was my intention to stay in last night. i had nine-trillion loads of laundry to fold, i was generally tired from the week, i had to work in the morning, and i figured an early night would do me good. i also figured that folding my laundry would be more fun with a little somethin-somethin.
what i failed to consider was that i frequently find myself locked in an eternal struggle when i have a little somethin-somethin: desperate desire to talk to people vs. wild paranoia.
i submitted to the first only moments before experiencing the second.
i need to learn to enjoy my chores unaided or leave my phone the hell alone.
GR Corolla: Toyota Dispatches a Fixer
11 months ago
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