so its not usually fun to be wrong, but sometimes it is particularly annoying/embarassing.
I've been toying with the idea of being Jessica Rabbit for Halloween for about 4 years, but thought the lack of a willing Roger might make the effort a little hard to understand. Oh look! Autumn's got her tits out again! How novel! Right?
Well, I decided this year, since I'm turning 30 and oh so very alone in the world, Roger or no, I'm doing it. So I'm on the prowl for the right off-the-shoulder-slit-up-to-there dress. Which in MY memory was PURPLE. So, I start looking casually. Not finding anything just yet, but I have time so I'm not super worried about it. I mention this plan to various people, all of whom think it is hilarious or hot (depending largely on their gender) and encourage me to go full steam ahead. Red wig or dye job? Haven't totally made up my mind... long opera gloves are a necessity, slutty tall red shoes, that's what the red light clothing exchange is for.
One person however, when I say this is my plan, is encouraging but says "Yeah find yourself the right red dress and I'm sure you'll pull it off Roger or no..."
To which I reply "No no no you silly git, her dress was purple not red. And set off to Wiki a corroborating photo to prove it. Ahem.
I guess I'm glad this happened since I would have been a little less obviously Jessica in the wrong colored dress. My plan to open every conversation with "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" might seal the deal...
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